Under the auspices
of Higher Education Minister Prof. Dr. Mostafa Mossad Ismailia governor Gen.
Jamal Imbabi and Suez Canal University president Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mohamedain Suez Canal
University organize Conference (Agricultural prospects for economic
development conference in the Arab region and Africa) Conference chaired by Prof. Dr. Kamal Gad Sharobim Vice President
for community Service and environmental Development and Prof. Dr. Mamdouh
Mustafa Ghorab Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and Conference
reporteur Prof. Dr. Ali Ibrahim El-Kassas Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences environmental at Arish
It is expected that conference discusses several topics; knowledge and
production modern technology safe food and bio-fuel production the environment
and pollution sources human resources labor migration alternative and
clean energy sources fisheries and animal self–sufficiency waste products and waste recycling economic social development.
Send abstracts and research and working papers in the name of Prof. Dr.
Ahmed Ahmed El-Sayed economics professor at the Faculty of Agricultural
Environmental Sciences at Suez Canal University at Arish branch in Egypt