the auspices of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohamedain Suez Canal University
president public administration of youth welfare organizes numerous
competitions are: Contests poetry and Zajal to be poetry under the name
of a message to Egypt and its citizens and track foundations poetry
Eloquent (writing the poem in classical Arabic – safety sea Sirius) and
poetry contest and Zajal by Slang followed the clarity of idea and influence in the recipient – the safety of the sea poetic. Wall
magazines Competition where each faculty involved with 2 students in a
workshop held Cultural Club for the design and implementation of the
wall magazine and is the subject of the magazine about current events
and issues locally regionally and globally.
Essay contest titled vision of a national program wrapped around the political forces.
Short story competition. Competition of scientific research and the subject the impact of fast food on health. Economic
Research Competition under the title (industry labor-intensive and
their role in solving unemployment. search political Competition and
theme ability Egyptian diplomacy to restore the Egyptian regional role.
religious research Competition and research topic that God not change condition of a people until they change what is in themselves (industry change and building the future). search Social
Contest and Multi search social networking sites and their impact on
social relations. general conditions of research Find 15 Commitment to the methodology scientific Search Male sources and the work of the margins and reference signals