Under the auspices of Pro.Dr
mohamd Mohamedain Suez
Canal University president and Pro.Dr
mamdouh Mustafa Ghorab Vice President
for Graduate Studies and Research Suez Canal University organized triangular cooperation Program between Canal University International Cooperation Japanese Agency (JICA)
and the Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa – the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and held at University Hospital in Ismailia
from 18 November until 19December 2012 at the University Hospital in Ismailia second program under the title "Health Economics" (principles
tools evaluation and decision-making in
developing countries Pro.Dr mamdouh
Mustafa Ghorab Vice President said that the program aims to train twenty doctors from African countries on the optimal use
of health economics and methods of evaluation and decision–making should be
noted that the
training is at
professors in the Faculty of Medicine at the university and Egyptian
university professors and shared by a group of foreign experts