Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohamedain
university president Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab Vice
President for Graduate Studies and Research and the supervision of Prof.
Dr. Iman Ismail Maghazi head orchards
department ; Horticulture department at Agriculture
Faculty in Ismaili organized a scientific
seminar on " Recent trends
in the production
of medicinal and aromatic plants"
on Wednesday 28/11/2012 and seminar
lectured by Professor Dr. Fathi Soliman
Professor at Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University
and Prof. Dr.
Jamil Fekry Mahmoud at Agricultural
Research Centre and Professor
Atef El-Azzazi director
of Royal medicinal
plants and Dr.
Fadia El-Sharif teacherat department
.. The seminar discussed the new production and
cultivation of medicinal
and aromatic plants and applied methods in Egyptian territory.
Seminar rapporteur Dr. Salah Abdul Karim