Suez Canal University

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Mossad
Higher Education and Professor Dr. Nadia Zakhary Scientific Research Minister
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohamedain Suez Canal University  president held Seventh Arab
Horticulture Conference which hold  at university during the period from 24-26
March and chaired the conference honorary Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Mohsen Vice
for Education and Student Affairs and President of the Conference Prof. Dr.
Awad Farhat Bahrawi Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Iman Ismail
Moghazy General Secretary of the Conference and Head of Horticulture Faculty
of Agriculture said that  the most
important themes of the conference is the production

and Physiology of Horticultural pests and diseases of Horticultural Crops
preparation storage export and manufacture horticultural
Heredity animal technical germplasm conservation of  Horticultural Crops the economics of
horticultural crops agricultural mechanization in horticultural crops and the
impact of climate change on horticultural crops;

that the responsible
Committee for conference research still
receive specialized research in the fields of different horticulture fruits and
vegetables and ornamental plants and timber trees medicinal and aromatic plants
for those wishing to participate from Egypt and the Arab countries

To learn more
please visit the following link


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