Suez Canal University

Fund of Science and Technological Development announces to open the door to apply for programs, new applied research grants linking research practical needs of society, and the promotion of industries strategy that Egypt has a comparative advantage, and the capacity of good scientific, and natural resources distinct, and includes grants areas (advancement of  the pharmaceutical industry, and the development of Sinai, silicon and metal  industries), applying for these grants through the website of the Fund, along with the launch of the program funding Egyptian – Korean joint fund of Science and Technological Development representative of Egypt, representing South Korea program research Foundation of Korea NRF)), which begins with his progress in 15May 2013 for a month in addition to the existing cooperation with the United States, Germany, France, and Japan, the fund aims at the current stage to open up to new partners in the field of science and technology, so as to provide an opportunity to the large number of researchers to take advantage and enable them to good preparation.

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