Suez Canal University

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab Suez Canal University president and Prof. Dr. Nahed Mustafa Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research. In the framework of cooperation between the Suez Canal University and International Cooperation Authority “JICA” program begins international cooperation Authority “JICA” in cooperation with the Egyptian Agency Affairs Economic new round of activities at Suez Canal University in the period from10  January until 10February, 2016 the Sixth training program, which will be held under the title of “Infectious Diseases” and oversees the implementation of the program Dr. Hala Shukri head of JICA in Cairo and programs Dr. Suha Younis, director of JICA Office of the university and Dr. Omar Fathi The program decision and participated in program trainers from  Nile basin and  the program aim to the exchange of scientific and medical expertise is worth mentioning that he was honored the participants to the training program the fifth, which was held entitled “Health Economics: Principles and methodologies and evaluation” in the period from December 6, 2015 and until January 6, 2016

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