Suez Canal University

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Massad Higher Education Minister
and Major General Jamal Imbabi Ismailia governor and Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Mohamedain Suez Canal University president  Suez Canal University organizes First
International Conference "Towards the prospects of economic development of
agricultural in the Arab region and Africa" ​​on April 22 to 24 2013 at Suez Canal University in  Ismailia Conference headed by
Prof. Dr. Kamal Gad Sharobim Vice President
for Community Service and Environmental Development and Prof. Dr. Mamdouh
Mustafa Ghorab Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research general rapporteur
 in the conference Prof. Dr. Ali Ibrahim El-Kassas
Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Science at Arish and the Organization for Conference is a product of what the world is witnessing the drain of resources primary
in developing countries and in order to achieve progress through policies and
development programs explained Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ahmed El-Sayed Professor of
Economics Faculty of Agricultural environmental Sciences and Secretary General
of the conference there was a group topics  conference  discuss them: the knowledge and production of
modern techniques safe food and fuel production Dynamic environment and
pollution sources diverse human resources and labor migration and capital
alternative energy sources and clean and their uses conservation of natural
resources for sustainable development fisheries animal and self-sufficiency
waste products and waste recycling Plant Production and Protection and tissue
culture and economic

 and social development.
To learn more click here

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