Suez Canal University

In preparation for the First Scientific Conference of young researchers at Suez Canal University which  held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohammadayn University president  Organization Committee met for the first scientific conference for young researchers

Headed by Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Mustafa Ghorab Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and the presence of prof.Dr. Tarek Rashid Rahmi director of the Center development of university education and the unity of project management and the members of the organizing committee on preparation for the conference which will be held in University during the period 6 to 7March 2013 has been agreed the main features of a booklet Conference and arbitration summaries of research and prepare lists of participants in the conference also discussed the main axes of pillow speakers lectures of the Congress and the selection committees judgment of suspensions and research dumping the Committee will hold a weekly meeting until the conference noted that the deadline for submission of abstracts of research is the first of February 2013.

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