Under the auspices of Prof.Dr/ Muhammad Mohammadein Suez Canal University president and Prof. Dr. Hassan Shahly Dean of the College of Nursing and President of the Conference College of Nursing at Canal University organized Fourth International Conference titled “Health care and safety for patients with chronic diseases” on 12 to 13 May 2013 at the major hall in university, Prof.Dr. Mohammed Massad Hijazi Vice Dean for Graduate Studies Vice President of the Conference said that the conference discuss self-care on the quality of life for those with chronic diseases and the role of nursing in contact psychological effectively with patients with chronic diseases, and Dr. Wafaa Abdel Azim Husseini, Lecturer, Department of Nursing Management and Conference Repporter confirmed that Conference explains the impact of self-care on the quality of life for those with chronic diseases and the new in the art of dealing with diabetic children, note that the deadline for submission of abstracts is
15/04/2013 While the deadline for submission of full paper 01.05.2013 and send scientific research abstracts by e-mail Next drwafaadr@yahoo.com
For the folded Conference Click here