Suez Canal University

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohammadein Suez Canal University president welcoming Professor Dr. Arterchmidt director of international relations of  the project and  Vice President of the University of Granada , Spain, in the framework of the program of academic partnership and cooperation between the Egyptian universities and universities of the countries of North Africa and universities from European Union countries and the support of the private programs, student exchanges for undergraduate and providing grants for master’s and doctoral professor and faculty exchange between the universities participating in the projects (Erasmus Mundus), at  the morning of Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 at video conference Hall at the headquarters of the Suez Canal University

Where offers by visiting a presentation of the program Erasmus Mundus – Al Idrisi II as the European coordinator of the project , which the Suez Canal University involved, and  illustrates the opportunities of student grants and faculty members various university , attend the meeting, major universities of Port Said and Suez and a group of outstanding students stages The final all the university faculties of Ismailia, Arish and the number of teaching assistants and assistant teachers colleges .


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