Faculty of Dentistry
A decision was issued to establish the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in Ismailia in 1996 AD in line with the university’s policy in spreading science and knowledge and advancing the wheel of progress in this vital area of the beloved homeland. The Faculty of Dentistry at Suez Canal University is considered one of the modern colleges, as it received the first batch of students In the academic year 1996/1997 AD, the college started building its various academic and scientific departments and the formation of faculty members, the supporting staff, and the college’s administrative body. To achieve this, the college accepted faculty members’ transfers from dental faculties in other universities until it began to appoint its graduates from the first batch that graduated from the college in 2000/2001 AD, where (15) students were appointed from the first batch graduates, in which the total number of graduates was (39) students a student

vision and mission
The Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University, aspires to achieve a leading position among the faculties of dentistry and the scientific competition through its educational programs, research activities and community services.
the message
The Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University is committed to providing distinguished services for education, learning and community service and for graduating qualified dentists with knowledge and skills to be able to meet the needs of society and conduct advanced scientific research in the fields of oral and dental health
For more information, the College of Dentistry website