Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mohamedain Suez Canal University president and prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abdul-Muhsin, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs faculty of Nursing headed by Prof. Dr. Hassan Chaly Dean organized the third Student Conference titled “Nursing … new generation and the dream of renewal” in cooperation with the scientific Society for Nursing students in Ismailia represented by Demonstrator Ghoneim El- Sayed Ghoneim and the conference hosted delegations from Nursing colleges (Ain Shams – Zagazig – Mansoura – Modern Academy – Matruh – Port Said – Tanta – Damanhour- Aswan – Helwan – Egypt Science and Technology) conference started with a speech by Student Union President Abdullah Jalal confirmed where that target of students is to raise the name of the college high and strive to improve the image of Nursing in the entire global community, and Previous Student Union President Mostafa Refaat Kamer in which he noted that the dream of renewal comes work found diligently to change the image of nursing in the Arab world, and then word of the Demonstrator Ghoneim El- Sayed Ghoneim Scientific Society Secretary for nursing students in Ismailia in which he explained that the Assembly was established since 6 April, 2009 to expand community participation within and outside the college, came word Ideal Mother and Rapporteur of the Conference Dr Rihab Kefl that stressed that college students are the fuel of success College of Nursing at the level of nursing education and the nursing profession,
Prof. Dr. Hassan Chaly Dean welcomed Prof Dr Muhammad Mohamedain university president and thanks him for the sponsorship of the conference, and full support of the college, said that the conference based on the students to understand the basis of the construction and development to achieve a successful conference and overall process of preparing for an international conference on 12-13-5 – 2013, a competition among doctors in all relevant disciplines and specialty nursing from Egyptian universities and Arab universities and faculty members of nursing tangible effort in support of student activities;
the word Dr. Mohammed Mohamedain Suez Canal University president welcome participating delegations of Egyptian universities in the third Student Conference and explained that the students are will change the format and content of the nursing profession, big operations are not succeed without nursing staff special, hoping to solve the Medical problem of Dentistry faculty from a lack of nursing staff high efficiency, and we are now in the process of establishing a university specialty hospital nursing and lacking distinctive Nursing team as hospital are nursing students and urged college students to take courses and workshops to develop their skills in their profession emulate nursing graduates at the global level.
And Prof. Dr. Hassan Chaly presented College shield to Professor Dr. Muhammad Mohamedain for his contribution to the elevation of college and then listened to an explanation about the idea of a dialysis implementation of fourth year students faculty are student Mostafa Mahmoud Esswy and student Mustafa Juma Abu Saud, also presented Dr. Mohammed Mohamedain University Shield of Professor Dr. Hassan Chaly for his effort to raise the name of college high, then honored excellence students student Mostafa Mahmoud Esway, and student Mustafa Juma Abu Saoud
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