fish farming institute
Within the framework of joint cooperation between Egypt and China, the Chinese side established and equipped a fish farming center at Suez Canal University in Ismailia to contribute to the development and development of fisheries in the Canal and Sinai region, which overlooks vast areas of the shores of the White Sea, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez and Aqaba, in addition to the Bardawil, Al-Murra and Al-Temsah lakes. Out of the university’s keenness since its establishment to provide distinguished programs for graduate studies in various applied fields in order to graduate specialized human cadres capable of interacting with the successive variables of life and contributing to solving the problems of the surrounding environment and developing its resources using the latest technology, the university has transformed the fish farming center to become An institute for postgraduate studies under the name “Institute of Fish Farming and Fish Technology” grants scientific degrees whose research results contribute to solving the problems of aquaculture and contribute to increasing the productivity of fish and marine organisms, which represent one of the protein-rich food sources that are preferred by the residents of the Canal and Sinai region, as well as protecting these marine organisms from Overfishing and the environmental effects that negatively affect it and deplete its stock.

vision and mission
The Vision
The Institute of Fish Farming and Fish Technology aspires to be a distinguished center to serve areas locally using the latest technological means, and regionally to develop fish resources and modern aquatic resources.
The message
The Institute of Fish Farming and Fish Technology grants postgraduate degrees in the fields of fish farming and technology research and aquatic organisms. The institute also adopts the training of specialized cadres, and the development of water resources in the region with the aim of providing safe food production to contribute to meeting the needs of the community.
For more information, the Institute of Fish Farming website