Announcement about missions plan for the year 2012-2013
Missions central Management announced about opened the door for introduce to missions plan for the first year 2012-2013 of the
Youth Welfare at the university making scientific activity
Youth Welfare at the university announces for scientific activity competitions for students at the university level competitions include: – 1
Memorandum of Understanding between Canal Medicine and Comoro Islands
Suez Canal University Council headed by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohamedain Suez Canal University President approved on the Memorandum of Understanding
Conference (the planning and management of urban growth in major Arab cities)
Egyptian universities participate in the conference of planning and management of urban growth and the pressures of investment in major
فاعليات اليوم الخامس للأسبوع البيئي
تحت رعاية الأستاذ الدكتور محمد محمدين رئيس جامعة قناه السويس والأستاذ الدكتور كمال شاروبيم نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون
First Scientific Conference of young researchers 2013
Under auspices of prof. Dr.Mohamed Mohamedin University president and prof.Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab conference chairman and Graduate studies and researches vice-president