About the center
The center prepares the university and its colleges to meet the criteria for institutional and programmatic accreditation
Address : Quality Assurance Center – Education Development Center Building, Ground Floor, Suez Canal University Ismailia – Ring Road, kilometer 4.5
Email:- QAAC@suez.edu.eg
phone: 01003625509 – 01224584829

The center aspires to be a distinguished reference in the field of university education quality assurance based on national, regional and international accreditation standards to reach an internationally recognized university entity
The Center is keen to achieve quality in all elements of the educational and research process and community service by spreading the culture of quality and providing support and continuous follow-up and support for the university and its institutions to meet the accreditation standards.
1. Follow-up to update the strategic plan for quality assurance at the university.
Spreading the culture of quality in all institutions and departments of the university.
2. Providing continuous support to university institutions to improve the outputs of all sectors in accordance with national accreditation standards.
3. Continuous follow-up of quality assurance units in all university institutions.
Organizing the exchange of experiences between the quality assurance units at the university.
4. Exchange of experiences with corresponding centers in Egyptian and foreign universities.
5. Preparing an annual report on the status of the university and its institutions.